Services: Planning, Mapping, Cost-Sharing (Incentives) Program
Nutrient Management Planning: Using Manures as Fertilizer

Nutrient Management Plans (NMPs) are required if you use organic manures as fertilizers. All poutlry operations that are required to register must also have an NMP even if all litter produced is removed from the farm. Visit this link for more information
An NMP will contain aerial photography (see photo at left), topographic maps and soils maps with field identifiers including field acres, environmentally sensitive areas. Each plan contains manure application rates that are derived from the Arkansas Phosphorus Index, The P-index takes into consideration several environmental factors such as crop type, soil type, slope, existing soil phosphorus concentrations, etc. for each area where organic fertilizers are to be land applied. We then use these data to determine the rate of fertilizer placement as well as the proper timing. All NMPs contain a set of records which must be maintained for a period of 5 years.
An NMP requires current soil and manure analyses. District employees will collect soil samples and perform necessary field measurements for you. If you wish to land apply animal wastes as fertilizers, please collect a sample of the waste and deliver to the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Washington County (CES) for an analysis.
Litter analyses cost $35.00. Make Checks Payable to U of A Labs.
Plat Books and Topographic Maps for Sale

For Sale
- Plat Books—$50
- Wall Maps 4’ x 3’—$60
- Topographic Maps (7 1/2 minute, 1:24,000)--$7.50 each
At left is an example of a custom topographic plan map included in a Nutrient Management Plan.
Washington County Road Maps for Sale

County road maps (28 X 18 inches)
- General Highway map for Washington County - $2.50
Soils Maps: Free!

Soils maps
-Available on CD (pick up at our office)
For the entire book
Federal Cost-Sharing Programs

The natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers several programs that provide matching funds (cost-sharing) for the implementation of management practices that have positive impacts on the environment. Click this link for NRCS program information
Picture at left is a NRCS designed and cost-shared, dead bird composter under construction. Composters provide a natural disposal method for poultry carcases and provide a more environmentally friendly method of disposal compared to incinerators which consume large volumes of fuel.
Picture at left is a NRCS designed and cost-shared, dead bird composter under construction. Composters provide a natural disposal method for poultry carcases and provide a more environmentally friendly method of disposal compared to incinerators which consume large volumes of fuel.
Illinois River Sub-Basin Initiative (Special Funding Program--ends September 2018)
Because of the concentration of farming operations in the environmentally sensitive Illinois River, Arkansas, the Natural Resources Conservation Service has established a special project area where the government will share the cost of installing and maintaining best management practices (BMPs). Once installed, these BMPs will reduce the threat of non point source pollution in the watershed.
Visit this link for more information
Visit this link for more information